1 John/1 Juan

  • Vivir en la Seguridad de Dios
    Scripture: 1 John 5:18-21 Wednesday, 06 December 2023
  • Living in the Assurance of God
    Scripture: 1 John 5:18-21 Wednesday, 06 December 2023
  • El Pecado Que Te Lleva A La Muerta
    Scripture: 1 John 5:16-17 Sunday, 05 November 2023

    Juan el apóstol nos está haciendo conscientes de que como Cristianos hay pecados que llevan a la muerte y algunos que no llevan a la muerte. Pero el pecado más importante que una persona puede cometer es el pecado de apostasía y el pecado de apostasía es lo que lleva a una persona a la muerte eterna y a la separación eterna del Señor y Su pueblo. El pecado de apostasía es el pecado que rechaza el plan de salvación a través de Jesucristo Su Hijo y Su muerte en la cruz como propiciación por nuestros pecados. Eso significa que Jesús murió en nuestro lugar para satisfacer la ira de un Dios Santo contra la paga del pecado. Entonces, aprendamos a identificar el pecado que lleva a la muerte y los pecados que no.

  • The Sin That Leads To Death
    Scripture: 1 John 5:16-17 Sunday, 05 November 2023

    John the apostle is making us aware that as Chrisitans there are sins that lead to death and some that don't lead to death. But the most vital sin a person can commit is the sin of apostasy and the sin of apostasy is what leads a person to eternal death and eternal separation from the Lord and His people. The sin of apostasy is the sin that rejects the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ His Son and His death on the cross as the propitiation for our sins. That means Jesus died in our place in order to satisfy a Holy God's wrath against the wages of sin. So lets learn how to identify the sin that leads to death and the sins that do not. 

  • The Keys to Effective Prayer
    Scripture: 1 John 5:14-15 Sunday, 29 October 2023

    So many times we ask God amiss and we receive no answer to our prayers because our hearts are not aligned with His. John provides important keys to teach us how to pray effectively. As we learn how to pray biblically, one of the things we learn is to develop a deep trust in the Lord's provision in our prayers. As we get rid of our selfishness when we enter His throne of grace and align ourselves with His nature and character when we ask Him for something, God will provide us with the wisdom to learn how to ask in a way that glorifies the Lord.  So open up your Bibles to 1st John Chapter 5 verses 14-15 and learn how to ask God's way. 

  • Los Testimonios Fieles de Dios Para la Seguridad Eterna
    Scripture: 1 John 5:9-10 Sunday, 22 October 2023

    Cuando Juan comienza a explicar cómo un cristiano puede estar seguro de la seguridad eterna, comienza a enumerar los testimonios bíblicos que están establecidos para que sus hijos encuentren paz y seguridad. Una de las cosas que las Escrituras le brindan al creyente es una seguridad inexplicable que el mundo no puede entender. Jesús dijo Yo traigo una paz que el mundo no puede dar. Entonces, comencemos a aprender cómo encontrar estos testimonios fieles que podemos encontrar en la Palabra de Dios para disfrutar de los testimonios fieles y específicos que nos brindan seguridad eterna.

  • God's Faithful Testimonies For Eternal Security
    Scripture: 1 John 5:9-10 Sunday, 22 October 2023

    As John begins to explain how a Christian can be certain of eternal security, he begins to list the biblical testimonies that are set in place for His children to find peace and security. One of the things the Scripture brings a believer is an unexplainable security that the world cannot understand. Jesus said I bring a peace that the world cannot give. So, lets begin to learn how to find these faithful testimonies that we can find in God's Word to enjoy the faithful and specific testimonies that brings us eternal security.